Together We Can

About Program
The BPI/Together We Can Home Visiting Model combines relationship-based home visiting with group-based support, education, and community engagement to stabilize and strengthen families. The year- long experience for families is designed to strengthen cultural identity and practices, motivate parents to attain greater economic stability and self-sufficiency, strengthen parenting and child development, create safe and healthy family environments, and promote the family’s healthy engagement in their community. Beginning with intensive home-based services, families will receive help in stabilizing their situations and meeting basic physical and safety needs. Parents and adult family members are supported in re-connecting with the strengths of their cultural roots and identity, and using this foundation to enhance their personal development and family functioning. Group based services and community engagement are provided to assist parents in integrating and strengthening cultural, daily living, personal growth, parenting, and relationship skills.​​
We serve African and African American families with children from infancy (2 months) to 5 years, entering Kindergarten. Our home visitors are PAT (Parents As Teachers) certified. Home visitor will partner with parents/caregivers to create developmental and educational short-term, intermediate, and long-term outcomes and goals to:
Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices
Provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues.
Prevent child abuse and neglect
Increase children’s school readiness and school success.
Our home visitors are passionate and caring professionals who can meet with you in your home during the day, evening, and/or on weekends. We come to your home because we know how challenging life can be juggling the responsibilities of parenting, work, school, and family life.
Our partners include Multnomah County Library, Every Child Reads Program to encourage and support literacy to our families, Zenger Farms to provide healthy cooking and food preparation skills and exposure to their accessible community farm, and Diaper Bank to provide our families with diapers, pull-ups, and wipes.
For more information contact TogetherWeCan@thebpi.org